Sunday 16 June 2013

Let's help

         Let’s imagine yourself as a teenager. You enjoying a family time on a weekend and there is a guy outside your door seeking your attention. You go to him out of curiosity and he then hands over to you a card with some pictures of children who are in need of help. Meanwhile, the guy starts sharing information about his organization and what the organization is doing for such children in need.

            Just by the picture of some poor children, your heart breaks out and deep down you realize they need help and you should do something for them. But wait, you don’t run your house, do you? Our home-minister which happens to be aai( in most of the cases) would step ahead and wouldn’t help him saying already some donation was made to other boy in the past week (which you know was not true). And you return back to your sofa feeling bad for the poor children in picture. You think what might have gone wrong if some amount was donated to the boy who represented those poor children in need. You might have even argued with your aai on that. :)

            I am assuming it happened to most of you because I certainly remember it happening to me for around a dozen of times. Now I have started earning and this last Diwali when I was at home, similar thing happened and I ended up donating some 100 bucks to the person without informing aai. :) Thought it would give me some kind of satisfaction. But when the guy left, I was surrounded by many thoughts. Was the guy trustworthy? Will my 100 rupees reach the children? Was I fooled? It went for some time and I realized that aai is right in not giving anything to such people :). Seriously, here in this situation u can’t be sure, because you can’t see if your attempt did make any change. Or it is because Newton’s third law didn’t work here. You did some action but you didn’t get a chance to see reaction from the boy/organization.

            Whatever may be the case but two things have yet not changed 1)My desire to help these children in need, 2) Children in need. And I have always regretted for not being able to merge the two of them.

            Finally I believe I have found a way to put an end to this tussle. I have associated myself with one NGO 'Lakshya - Changing Lives' which would directly help some of the orphanages. I had always thought that it takes a chocolate or a toy to make a child happy. But now I learnt that it's my complete misunderstanding. Specially, when I speak about the orphans. Look at the following picture.  

            It was my first visit to orphanage house. After few minutes when I started playing with them, I wasn't Robin anymore; I was 'Anna' to them and they were all over me. Literally!!! Asking me to lift them up or just play with them. I realized that what these little guys need is some time and attention to be happy.           

            Just try this one for a change. Instead of going to some movie on a weekend, go to some orphanage house with your friends. And at the end of the day you would not only save your money(considering you were planning a bad movie :)) but will feel having done worth with your time. And if that visit of yours could bring some smiles on little faces, would you complain about missing the movie??? Naaah :)

Here is the link to the NGO we have started:

            I would like to request one and all through this blog to come forward and help the needy around us. I think many of us want to do something good but don’t know how and where to start from. All you have to do is get in touch with some NGO and check how u can be a part of a noble cause. Or you can directly visit some orphanage house and see if you can do something. Remember, it doesn't always have to be monetary help. There can be various ways to help.

            And at last, I would request you to spread this message. All I can hope is that someone somewhere takes a step to bring happiness to these unfortunate souls which they absolutely deserve. Feel free to contact me if you want to be a part of any such noble cause, I would try to suggest.

            Appears I am going Robin Hood way, but you are lucky since I am requesting help instead of stealing from you!!! :)